Hospital for the broken...

Now we all know that I, being the so-called "hipster" that I am, tend to get a little artsy from time to time.

One of my favourite, most cherished art forms is spoken word.

Now there are a select few that have cut right to my core, such as the "That line was so Gay," Chris Tse's "I'm sorry I'm a Christian," 'HypoChristian," "Maybe I need you," by Andrea Gibson, and last but not least "Shake the Dust" by Anis Mojani, the one I loved enough to get a tattoo of.

My friends knowing this about me jumped at the chance to share a new spoken word with me, this one is simply titled "Why I hate religion and love Jesus."

My Facebook newsfeed has been overwhelmed with people sharing this four minute long video which shows a young man eloquently speaking about religion vs. Jesus.

I was instantly hooked by the intense chamber music that starts the video off and once I started listening to the words he was speaking I knew one thing, that this is good!

Therefore I couldn't resist sharing it with you.

Much love and Jesus -- Amy


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