Here I go again (not) on my own....

Well hello there Blogosphere!

It's been what; almost 2 years? Man oh man do we have a heap to catch up on.

The hair is short again; the tattoo count has climbed to 9 and I, Amy Pickard, am working at Camp Qwanoes. *Insert record scratch/skip noise here* Hold the phone! I know what you're thinking; TRAITOR! But nothing you can come up with I haven't already thought myself.  Needless to say; I'm here. And I have no clue why. Okay maybe I have a slight clue; but you get where I'm going here.

To catch you up on a few things; back in May 2015, I was working away at DunVMC as a MOA; living life; being me; yadda yadda. Meg and I attended a Bethel concert and I felt compelled to apply for Bethel spiritual ministry school. So  I did. And lo and behold; I actually got in. To top that; I got accepted for the worship stream too. So that was pretty major.

Contrary to me; the Lord had other plans; and as many of you know, I didn't go. But, I did end up going back to Rockridge Canyon and interning there for the Fall season yet again.

 IT WAS PHENOMENAL! I ended up rebuilding relationships with one of my closest dearest friends and making some others that will last a lifetime.  Although Bethel was "good" it was not "God" and the Lord had an amazing plan for me back in lil ol Princeton and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

I came home from camp anticipating returning in January; but the Lord's plans again prevailed over my own and I ended up staying in Duncan.  I passed the last 4 months working at a local coffee shop becoming a stinkin abfab barista (for reals I got mad skills) and that catches you up a wee bit on the current sitch.

So; one tuesday night at bible study,  I mentioned that maybe I would want to be in camp ministry this summer. That was it; nothing more. The next day my homie (we're homies cause we share a home) was speaking with staffing at Qwanoes because she is working here as a nurse for a good chunk of the summer and they had inquired with her if she knew anyone who would be interested in coming here in some capacity; my name was dropped and that's when the ball started rolling. SEVERELY QUICKLY.

I was called literally minutes after this exchange with no knowledge of the previous conversation.  It was brought up that I should apply for the Head Counsellor position; and after some deep thought and wise inputs from peers I did it.

The thing was; I needed to be prepared to be at camp for the end of the month if I got the position. 2 weeks away. So; in faith; I quit my job. I figured if the Lord wanted me at camp; I'd get it; and if not; maybe it was the kick in the arse to get me moving on to the next stage of life He had in store.

I got notified that although I would not be the head counsellor; they would love to have me in any capacity possible. So now I'm here. In the office. And totally confused as to what the outcome of this summer is going to be.

I've been here 15 days and it has not been easy; I will admit.

The people are fantastic; but I am struggling immensely in what the good Lord is doing.

A good friend reminded me tonight to persevere; to keep pressing in to what the Lord has for me. That it is being used for His glory and you know what? It's not always about me. Have I already forgotten that I asked the Lord for guidance in this and He gave me a clear answer? How quickly we forget His goodness when things get hard.

Thus the return to this blog. I used to use it as a crutch; to somehow justify that my life was worthy of being lived. We all know that I realized how bogus that was and made a delcaration (a tattoo worthy one at that) that from said point forward I would understand that all that comes before me is good and from above. But now I realize that this blog can be used for more than that.

I want to use it to relish in the fact that although I may be struggling; although I can't see beyond what's in front of me; I will still trust (yes I'm quoting Stefany and Amanda) that the Lord is in it all. That HE. IS. GOOD.

I want to use it to remind myself of His blessings; and to share in those with you. I find that we so often dwell on the bad and I don't want to be that person; so here's to striving to recognize all the amazing things He's doing and all that He will do.

Here's to recognizing; yet again; all the things that make me think: This is Good.

xx- A


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