In every high and stormy gale...

Well what do we have here?  I know, I know, I've been completely out of the blogosphere for a while now, but, alas, I have something to share and therefore, This is Good is revived yet again.

I was able to cabinlead this past week at my favorite place, Camp Imadene, and along with that amazing experience, I was also asked to speak in chapel! OH SNAP KIDDIES! Yes, I, Amy Pickard, speech impediment and leaky eyes in tow, but I did it. And I didn't completely suck.

The week was amazing as I knew it would be. I expected God to show up, and he did, but never in the ways I expect him to.  My girls were fantastic, beautiful, caring, HILARIOUS, but lacking in conversational skills. Cabin time was verging on painful. I would ask the required questions, along with my own, and nothing. Crickets. This was really trying for me as we all know I love myself a good chat, but it was also a test to get back to basics. God was showing me that I didn't need to try so hard. All I was being asked to do was love on these girls, plain and simple, and He would show up and do the rest. And he did. Duh.  As of late I've been realizing that although I may plant the seeds, I cannot expect them to sprout and bear fruit overnight, I have to give it time, wait for the next season, and when it's right, fruit will bear and lives will change.

But back to my little chapel sesh.... Nette, our fearless leader, overheard me sharing a tidbit of my testimony during cabin time and she thought I would be a good option to share in front of everyone. GAH! I was obviously thrilled at first. I went to our lovely speaker and asked what he was wanting me to focus on. He asked me some questions, I cried as per usual, ughhh, and he gave me the go ahead.

I tried to write some notes during free time, but obviously my body was yearning to toss some Frisbee, and after some short notes I decided to leave in the Lord's hands.

I spoke on my life, my lies, this blog, and all the This is Good moments that have come and gone but looking back I really don't know what I even said that could have been monumental,

but the response was heartwarming. So many campers and staff came up to me and said how much they appreciated and related to my story. WHAT?! My story? Really? Wowza.

At the end of the week it was time for fire-side, my favorite. If you've been a loyal follower you will remember that this service has always been huge for me. God always provides me with something to share, whether I want to or not, and he did not back down this time.  I was lead to encourage the campers and staff that as we leave from camp, we are not alone in our walks, that we can cling to one another and hold each other accountable. So I shared this passage from Hebrews 10:

22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

39 For we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.

To any of you camp folk that are reading this, or even to anyone who has experienced that roller coaster of camp highs and home town lows, I just want to share something.  We have all sung the song "Mighty to Save" (almost too much, but that's my opinion) and in it's lyrics it states that our savior can move mountains. Therefore, I want to tell you that God can move that Mountain Top high to where you are. Now Imadene physically has a picturesque mountain for us to stare at, but it doesn't have to remain at camp. Faith as small as a mustard seed can move that mountain to where you are, those feelings of grandeur and the overwhelming covering of God's love is not secluded to one place. It's everlasting and all-surpassing, so keep seeking it out, because "before [you] call [he] will answer; while [you] are still speaking [he]will hear." Isaiah 65:24

Much love and "big times!"-- A

P.S. I didn't cry either times I spoke!! Go me. Maybe I've found my calling?



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