Step 1: Go...

"A broken nation restored through all you are"

God has been revealing a plethora of things to me lately and I feel like I need to share them with you :)

Last bible study we did tests on spiritual gifting and finding out what mine were really helped reveal some things to me and helped me understand why I act the way I do and why certain things bother me and not others. This was especially helpful in explaining my relationship with my Mom.

In short I am a compassion person, therefore I need a lot of affection and attention and I get angered when people are rude or don't have sympathy for people.

My mother (although she didn't take the test) is definitely a Perciever. She sees things black and white, thinks with her head, and although likes people she needs time alone to re cooperate, whereas I feed off being around other people and when I'm alone I shut down.

One thing that our leader brought up is that my Mom probably doesn't show a lot of affection and when she says things that are critical I get really hurt by them which is so true.

So when I got home that night I was really wanting to address my Mom and to apologize for being so angry with her all of the time for I now understood why we clashed the way we do. She was asleep but God knew this conversation had to happen and we ran in to each other in the hall, I burst in to tears and explained to her what I had learnt and we chatted for a bit, after I finished my bit she then said that she already knew that and made me frustrated even more, but whatever that's how she is and I can't change it.

I Will Go Lord, Send Me!

Because my family doesn't do thanksgiving Mom said we should go to Adore. As I stinking love it I said yes and last night we went. Evan Allnutt happened to be speaking on the heartbeat of City Youth.

I have a lot of love for Evan as he baptized me this past summer and something about him just reaches to me and pulls me in and I find I am always learning from him and being left with something to take with me at the end of his talks.

Evan informed us that City Youth's mission statement is "Go and Love for Him." Now every time he said this I kept breaking in to the epic song from camp in my head but I still happened to pay attention as he broke down this simple yet offensive command and way of life.

It was really rad to hear about how devoted these young adults are to this and the major difference they are making in their communities.

I find listening to these things I get super amped on changing the world and then once I get home it slowly fizzles out as I have no idea where to start. I feel like I'm "called" somewhere but can't discern if it's God's will or my own selfish desires. Although the bible states that God will give us the desires of our hearts it still gets jumbled in my mind and I stress over it and end up just sitting in my comfortable little rut leaving the world to change itself.

We were left with the question "Will we go and love for Him?"

Will you?

Much love for Him- Amy


  1. It's so hard to separate His will from ours! All we can do is pray, try to align our will with His, make His desires our desires, then we can't go wrong!


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