Getting to know you, getting to know EVERYTHING about you... Well folks this has been an interesting week, my eyes have been opened to see who some people really are and that my view of them needs to change drastically. I'm starting to understand their little quirks and mannerisms and it's made life that much easier. YEY FOR THAT! Also on a This is good note, I was shopping yesterday at my place of work, nonchalantly walking down the aisles when I saw a superbly amazing acquaintance of mine, she ran over saying how she was praying that she would see me here so she could give me my birthday present. Now I have hung out with this girl maybe three or four times, always in a group, and I barely even know her, I can't even pronounce her last name, and she went out of her way to make me not one, but two, homemade gifts. I was astonished, she made me a super choice notebook out of an old Air Supply album cover (GOLDEN!) and also some home made lip gloss, so rad. The best part was ...
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