Just to be with you....

Our dearest friend Cassia will be leaving soon to go back to school and for the majority of us it was the last time seeing her. Lucky enough for me I have a whole week of her to grow closer in our relationship (if that's possible) and to grow closer to God with one another.
I was reading over the details for the week and we are required to bring a "Hollywood wear" outfit for a special event night, this entails us dressing up as our favourite classic Hollywood character. Things that come to mind are Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, James Bond and the like but let me tell you dear blog readers what we shall be dressing up as....
Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar.
That's right my friends, Wayne's world.
Now growing up in the Pickard household this was and is a staple in our movie watching routine, my sister and I can recite the whole movie and with her having glasses he is usually Garth and I her pal Wayne, but for the first time, I shall play the role of the socially awkward yet equally excellent Garth, SHA- WING.
So as I was getting my flannel and Rolling Stones tee to accompany me to camp I realized I have completely over packed as I am well known for doing (I even cut out a few items and it's still ridiculous) I just like to have everything I could possibly need.
If you are going to be at Imadene this coming week and need an extra tee, pair of socks, or even a pair of purple sweatpants (yes I packed them) come on over cause I have enough to share.
Much love and potential wardrobe changes- Amy
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