Baby please remember me once more...


My heart is seriously a prisoner of war under the control of one stupid man's grasp. I cannot read this guy and I am so frustrated I am actually brought to tears when I sometimes think of it. Thing is I am too scared to do anything about it because I have never been in a relationship before and therefore don't know what I would do it he felt the same way.

It's the same old conundrum of being comfortable in my little rut, too chicken to step out and change things, even if it could be for the better.

Also one girl that I admire and look up to doesn't think too highly of this guy, they just don't mesh well and if something was to happen I am scared of disappointing her in some way, I know that sounds ridiculous.

Anyways he'll be back Sunday night and I will be seeing him Monday, most likely be dumbstruck by his beautiful baby blues and pearly whites, shamelessly audacious flirting will be instigated by both parties and that will most likely be that and I will be left wondering what if?

Much love and Fickle hearts- Amy


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