A different kind of haunting...

If you have the chance to interact with me on a regular basis you will note one thing, I am rather ridiculous. I do stupid things, crack immature jokes, and sing songs in the middle of the grocery store just for kicks. I'm a goof. But from time to time I put that away, pull out my "English literature" voice and become rather wise, stern, and serious. Sure Casper was fun but it's time to move on.

Just like in 1 Corinthians 13: 11 "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things"

This is one of those times.

As I was stumbling on the Internet just now, mindlessly clicking the next button I came across something rather moving. It was one of those moments when you body stops itself and this sense of awe and calm takes over and you are unable to move. This is why:

This photo stopped me in my tracks. It is from a KKK riot in the 1980's, a group of African American police officers are put on patrol to monitor the very people that hate them. A young boy walks over to the police shield in wonder, in blissful ignorance of the fact that these are the people that he and his family are gathering against. It's touching in a eerie way. There's hope that in the future this child will think back on this moment remembering that this officer was nice to him, shared a cherish moment with him and thus he may just change his ways.

Much love and second chances- Amy


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